The computer has become an essential part of all government and private offices. Computer skills tests have become an essential part of many competitions. Candidates should know more about the computer, its different parts and its various applications. Here in this article, we are going to tell you about the most important part of “Central Processing Unit” in a computer. We will also discuss how the CPU works. We get to know them and try to understand their work.The computer has become an essential part of all government and private offices. Computer skills tests have become an essential part of many competitions. Candidates should know more about the computer, its different parts and its various applications. Here in this article, we are going to tell you about the most important part of “Central Processing Unit” in a computer. We will also discuss how the CPU works. We get to know them and try to understand their work.
What is CPU?
The CPU is the central processing unit of a computer. The CPU is the brain of the computer, and all processing from starting the operating system to running programs is done only on the CPU. The processing speed of the CPU determines the performance of the CPU. CPU speed is measured in gigahertz. Because the CPU is fast and does a lot of calculations, it heats up in no time. A cooling fan has been installed to reduce the temperature.
If you know that CPU is the brain of your computer, then you need to know how CPU works. Let’s see
What Work Does a CPU Do
CPU’s working method is complex. All the CPUs no matter what their origin is, perform the below mentioned basic instruction cycle that consists of three steps – Fetch, Decode and Execute.
Fetch: The primary function of CPU is to fetch the instruction from the memory of the computer. In the memory of the computer, all the instructions are already saved at a particular address and CPU fetches the instruction form that addresses. In this process of the computer, CPU takes the address number from the program counter and arranges the priority of all the instructions. The CPU uses a program counter for recovery that follows the following command: That is, every command you give to your computer is executed one at a time according to the priority set by the processor.
Decryption: Another major CPU task is to decrypt the instructions. The CPU only understands the binary language and the instructions it receives are in assembly language. The CPU then decrypts the instruction by translating it into a binary language. This process is called decoding.
Execution: The third function of the CPU is to execute instructions. During execution, the CPU performs three activities. The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) performs calculations, moves data from one memory location to another, and jumps to another address.
Components of CPU
Control Unit (CU): The coordinates of the control unit for transferring data between the microprocessor and the ALU. It does not execute program instructions, but sends them to the ALU. The entire CPU workflow is also controlled by the CU. The CPU control unit is managed by the instructions stored in the computer’s memory. Rum and ram.
Arithmetic and Logic Unit: ALU performs a variety of arithmetic operations. arithmetic or logic Arithmetic operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Logical operations are based on comparisons. These comparisons are based on AND, OR, XOR, and NOT operations.
How CPU Works
Here we will understand how CPU works with the example of one instruction, but in current CPU the CPU processes multiple instructions at the same time. Let us know in detail how CPU works step by step.
- Some instructions are given to the CPU.
- The processor pulls it out of RAM (random access memory) and other hardware for this purpose.
- The CPU reads the information associated with the assigned task and sends it back to RAM. After reading the information from the computer’s memory, the CPU starts calculating it and then transports the data.
- The CPU must also ensure that data travels across the system bus. System Bus is a communication system through which data is transferred among all the components of the computer.
- In the system bus, the data is arranged in the correct order. And that’s how the CPU completes the assigned work. As the last step of getting the action done, CPU saves the data in the system’s memory.
To conclude the style of processor behavior, instructions flow from memory to the control unit, then to the arithmetic and logic unit, then back to memory, ready to be output. You can see the same in the figure below.
If you want to know more about how CPU works, you need to know the basic functions of CPU. let’s take a look
How It All Joins Together
So here we provide a complete simplification of CPU performance. Processor has a lot of hardware which helps it to execute any command. The processor usually comes with one ALU, but many modern and advanced processors also come with more than one ALU.
When a command is executed, the data is loaded from the system RAM (memory) into the control section. The controller reads two numbers from RAM. The first number goes to the ALU register and the second goes to the system bus. The ALU then performs all the calculations and stores the calculation results in another register. The CPU reads the data from there, then continues the process and stores the data in memory.
This is how the CPU works and solves difficult calculations in seconds.